четвер, 21 квітня 2016 р.

News Travels Fast

Breaking news

The lattest news from rector of Ostrog Academy: it emerged that soon enough the prises on dormitory apartments will arise. Actually, it was needless to say it, because with economic dituation in Ukraine this feature was quite expected. The controversial measures was taken and the prises will increase only in September. The interviewer stated clearly in the public eye that in the nearest future we should expect even bigger amplification of prices. Rumours has it that behind the scenes students were highly critical and were showing their disapproval about the conditions inside the dormitories. Some students put forward a theory that soon no one will live in privat houses. They revealed the secret that even now the prise of living in privat houses not really cheap, and spoke well about the older price. However, they have just ran the story, because earlier news reported that even the older price was not small at that time.
Our publication will keep everyone informed and will cover up the most exclusive stories which will attract attention of the majority of students.

середа, 20 квітня 2016 р.

Going Green

Nowadays we have serious problems with environment. Actually now we are too close to the environmental catastrophe. The ventures that produce toxic gases, extended dump waste and vehicle emissions causes an irreversible climate changes. A greenhouse effect becomes more obvious according to the weakness of ozone layer and endangered species are under treat of disappearing. With every day absolutely vital becomes the necessity to find a solution to this problem, because it destroys either our planet of our health and reduces the longevity of our lives. It is a daunting task, buy possible, if every person will start from himself. We should change our ways of living, for example by buying saving-eco-light bulbs, by recycling waste properly. After that, we will be able to go far. Obviously, that someday oil supplies will dry out, so why shouldn’t we start using the renewable energy such as offshore wind farms and solar energy in the nearest future? Another idea is driving on eco-friendly hybrid carts, which just not very popular yet, as well as eco-homes, but it exists.

In the end, we must that climate changes and it’s consequences until there’s a possibility to prevent total eco-disaster, to improve our health and to protect the wildlife.

понеділок, 18 квітня 2016 р.

His Story, Her Story

Vlad III, Tepes, the Prince of Wallachia (1431–1476/77) who is more famous as Dracul (or Dracul, because of the coins with the dragon on it), is a former civilian authority who served his country of Wallachia. The vast majority of his live he spent at was against the enslavement of his Fatherland.
Whereas Turks have a lot influence on the lands that encompassed former Wallachia, only a hope for peace left to his father, so he was willing to compromise and send his son to the Turkish captivity by force. At the 1447 Vlad found out that his brother and father went badly wrong and soon was killed. In 1456 he becomes the master of Wallachia, tough he caused a lot of damage for strangers and to his own people too.
Turks had a huge effect on Hungary, so the war broke out between Hungary and Wallachia. Dracul joined the army and won the battle. In 1462 he was forced to runaway to Hungary, and after 12 years of imprisonment he failed miserably in his desire to return home. However he fought for his life till the death.  
I decided to distinguish Vlad III among the others thanks to the spark of rumors around his personality.  He still attracts the interest of a vast numbers of people, and is considered to be the oldest vampire according to the novel of Mary Shelley. For us to decide, whether to take it seriously or not.

субота, 16 квітня 2016 р.

On the Move

Victoria Confino
97 Orchard Street
New York NY 10001

Esther Beard
57 Main Street
New York NY 10001

Dear Victoria,
 I remember the desk was full of migrants who were fleeing from war as I did. We left in peace with other migrants, and as it happened we disembarked on the Ellis Island and then moved to the New York, I felt undergo by the cultural shock. I really enjoyed the flourishing New York City and cobbled streets all round because we don’t have ones in my village. Our flat is pretty small and I still have to get accustomed to it.
Although we had to do some kind of job to earn for life, and mom says that we will sew clothes at home, but I have no desire to do it, I long for working at the newsie and I keen on reading. Frequently, I can’t stand the stereotypes against migrants and feel a bit discriminated. Betweenwhiles I yearn for my native country and I fancy to visit it someday. My parents say that they are fond of work and life here but I’m sure that they have feeling of nostalgia too.
Anyways, I’m really grateful for your help, Victoria, and I’m looking forward to see you soon.

Yours sincerely,
Esther Baerd
My new passport

This is the items which I decided to take.

вівторок, 5 квітня 2016 р.

Money Matters

The game “Spent” was a rewarding experience for me. The point of this game is to skimp on some things while being on a tight budget in order to save up some money till the end of the month. There you must tighten your belt and go cheap. Also, in this game you can borrow some money from your friends, but later it would be withdrawn. I was poor in that game, but I made some cutbacks and managed to survive that month with 366$ left.   

Everyone dreams to me filthy rich. Once you made big money, make sure do not throwing them around, cause unfortunately, money don’t grow on trees. I support the idea of setting up some business, because having a steady income is obligatory. Some vacations will make a good deal, but it is dangerous to spent money like water, otherwise you’ll become the poverty-stricken soon enough. It is important to earn a good salary, so don’t hurry to retire from work. Be sure keep tracks of your outgoings, even if you’re rolling in money, because the line between rich and broke is thin enough.


неділя, 3 квітня 2016 р.


According to the first video, it is a widespread belief that human brain is truly unique thing. We can learn language even though we never spoke on it never before. Moreover, it is common knowledge that computers can be really efficacious thing. He provides numerous examples og involwing children into learning English from zero and how they became an advanced Internet users in such countries where access to computer or Internet is impossible.

Second speaker was well-informed about learning process. He honestly thinks that learning is far more important than the education. According to speaker, nowadays too many teenagers are drop out of schools and that there is always a reason for that. He took the view that teacher gives a lot for children; however they should direct students, not to force them to do some kind of activities. Students should choose which subjects to learn at school.

I bear in mind that parents and teachers shouldn't pass judjement over the mark that student gets.  It is my firm conviction that while studying teachers shouldn’t jump to conclusion, but to encourage students to do that. We should give some thought about studying subject how to behave in society. I don’t subscribe to the theory that practical classes are more important that theoretical ones. I have a rough idea, but I don’t want to make a foregone conclusion that it will work.